Image by Adam Niescioruk on Unsplash

Inspired Paths

Academic careers are often laden with expectations about how one ‘should’ progress.

This generates much fear of falling short. It also creates a felt lack of permission, which gets in the way of developing a voice and a portfolio of work that is energized and powerfully your own.

But that voice and that portfolio are badly needed. As Marianne Williamson said: “you playing small does not serve the world.”

This is your invitation to commit fully to what you want to create in your work and your life. To transform into the version of you that is called forth by the challenge or adventure knocking on your door. To move into a space where ‘being utterly realistic’ and ‘playing big’ are not at all opposites.

It doesn’t matter what academic post or position you currently hold, or if you’ve recently left academia. When old ways that were once appropriate become stifling, when your fullest health, happiness and ability to make a difference require it, it’s time to make the leap.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  Mary Oliver

Several weeks into the coaching program, I started seeing changes in myself - I was having more positive relationships with people in my life and more able to deal with the challenges that came my way. I began to see myself and the world with clearer eyes. I learnt to value myself again and appreciate how my wide-ranging strengths, abilities and experiences are not indications of a poorly crafted CV or a lack of direction, but an honouring of my values of curiosity, love of learning and an appreciation of beauty and excellence. This discovery of who I am and why I do what I do has put me in a better stead to positively impact those around me, and at the same time, not allowing myself to be pigeonholed by the social constructions in academia and the world. This coaching journey was not just transformational, it was truly magical.
academic in Singapore

How it works

Four months of targeted work. In a coaching relationship where everything we do is dedicated to what’s deeply wanted and needed in your life right now. This will transform you. The expansion in who you can be and what you can do in the world will be noticeable to you and others.

At the heart of this work is our joint commitment to your agenda.

Your commitment is to yourself, your growth, and your deepest intentions. Mine is to be always on your side. I will hold a bigger vision for you, even in moments when you can’t. I will help you locate and cultivate key resources for knowing what to do, and for doing it – and I’ll hold you accountable for following through on your word.

What it includes

A 3.5-hour online retreat where you get to come back into yourself and cut out the noise. This will allow for unhurried, resonant agenda-setting.

12 coaching sessions of 1 hour each, in which we work in partnership to honour your intentions, work through stumbling blocks, and celebrate your victories. I will draw on the whole range of my training and experience to support you. I will show up with honesty, presence of mind, and fierce commitment to you and your agenda.

Mental fitness training, guided by the high-quality app and video content from Positive Intelligence. When coaching is connected to the training of mental and physical habits, results are faster, deeper and long-lasting. Six weeks of intensive training and twelve weeks of extension will boost your command of where your attention goes and your ability to keep unconscious self-sabotage at bay.

These components will engage you in a creative, powerful process of transformation. At the end of our 18 weeks together, you’ll have gained in resilience and in personal power; you’ll be amazed at how good this feels, and delighted with the results that are flowing back to you.