Recently I had a chance to work through a situation that really challenged me. It involved navigating my sense of belonging in a group amidst difficult emotions. The most interesting thing of all was how dysregulating this was for me. I was feeling alternately […]
Today, I’m restarting this newsletter. What better way to begin than with an note about beginning? Recently, I’ve been exploring the concept of ‘beginning again’ in an area of my life unrelated to writing. Yet, how we approach one thing often reflects how we […]
Yesterday, at the end of the day, I tried to force some writing. It was partly a workday for me, and I felt that I hadn’t yet done ‘enough’ of what counts as proper ‘work’. I quickly got completely engulfed by a feeling of […]
Not long ago, I led a workshop in which I took academic researchers through an exercise for exploring personal sustainability. Personal sustainability: what is a doable and enjoyable way to approach academic – or any – work for one person is not necessarily that […]
When I was working full-time in academia, thinking or talking about my publication record often made me feel small. I felt that I hadn’t published enough. And also, with a few exceptions, I felt that what I had published wasn’t what I should have […]
If an academic career feels like the path of heart and meaning for you, the spectre of failing and ‘not making it’ can be truly haunting. Of course, aiming for success is good. Yet sometimes a lot of life, love and laughter are sacrificed […]