Writing when not at the height of your powers
Time: 10:30 – 11:45 Central European (Summer) Time
Duration: 75 minutes
Location: online via Zoom
The approach we’ll take begins with respecting and validating the conflicting pulls and pushes that are here. From there, you get to explore the nuances in your experience of wanting to write but not feeling at your best. Those nuances are so interesting! You can work with them to find what kind of forward-movement is possible here and now.
My intention is that you’ll come out of this with a personal aha or insight that immediately supports your writing. And with some tools to help you navigate similar situations in future.
What to expect when you sign up
When you sign up, you get the Zoom link for the live session and a coaching-prompt to begin your personal investigation of this topic.
In the live session I’ll do some teaching to set the stage and then I’ll take you through a guided exploration in which we’ll use a (non-athletic) movement-based approach to finding ways forward with writing.
There’ll be some time for sharing and Q&A.
I will also say a few words about my upcoming 8-week programme for academic writers, Cultivating a Sustainable Writing Practice ( 4 October – 30 November 2024), for which this workshop serves as a taster session.
Note: The instructional content (but not participants’ sharing) will be recorded. When you register, you’ll get the recording.
Note: Registering will automatically sign you up for my newsletter, through which I send periodic content and offers. If you don’t enjoy receiving those emails, you can unsubscribe at any time.