[R]ather than thinking of time as an accumulation of “lines on the CV” (a phrase drilled into many of us in grad school), I am trying to think of time as an unfolding of who I am as a thinking being.Barbara K. Seeber in Berg & Seeber, The Slow Professor, p.59.
In your work as a researcher, there is continuity and reinvention:
- Continuity may reside in what your research focuses on – a thing, place, people, problem, an aspect of life. It may also show in how you approach your work – a methodology, a style, an ethos. Or it may be expressed in the message you have for the world – your advocacy, activism, fight. Or a combination of these, or something else.
- Reinvention relates to the variety of ways you might shape your contribution and your role. It’s natural that this keeps evolving. Reinvention can be a matter of gradual adjustments and shifts. And sometimes big changes are afoot, too.
This workshop provides a guided inquiry to explore core continuities and possibilities for reinvention that are available in your work right now.
This is a bit like working the soil so the plants in the garden can grow and flourish! Touching in with that deeper layer that informs, anchors and inspires your work can bring new clarity about, for example:
- how to move forward with the article you’re currently working on,
- how to proceed with that idea that’s been in the back of your mind, or
- how to set out your aims in that project proposal or grant application.
Expect to spend as much time off-screen as on-screen and to have ample time for writing – notes, ideas, an outline, etc. These writing moments will be supported by accessible embodied techniques that give you different entry points into the theme of continuity and reinvention.

This workshop can be done as a 2-hr (compact) or 3-hr (half-day) version.
What to bring
- Pen and paper.
- You might also like to bring something you’re working on: a text, a proposal, or a very raw idea whose potential you’d like to explore. (Note: this is optional – you don’t have to bring anything in particular for this workshop to be generative for you.)
It’s best if you have a quiet room to be in, with a bit of space to move around. If this is not possible, don’t worry: the embodied techniques can be modified to suit your circumstances.
If you’d like a workshop like this for your Department, please get in touch.