When I was working full-time in academia, thinking or talking about my publication record often made me feel small. I felt that I hadn’t published enough. And also, with a few exceptions, I felt that what I had published wasn’t what I should have […]
If an academic career feels like the path of heart and meaning for you, the spectre of failing and ‘not making it’ can be truly haunting. Of course, aiming for success is good. Yet sometimes a lot of life, love and laughter are sacrificed […]
One of my clients had a beautiful, near-finished book that wasn’t getting done. Every day he’d have the document open on his laptop. Every day he’d answer emails, read, surf the net and do anything else but write. The more he was under pressure […]
January! The start of the year is a time that many of us come back to our writing and other projects with fresh hope and energy. A new beginning brings a sense of optimism about what we can create, finish and achieve in the […]
The writer Anne Lamott has warned that perfectionism “will keep you cramped and insane your whole life”. If you’re tempted, the message is, let go of it as soon as possible. In this presentation, I want to touch in with what such a flat […]
It’s easy to lose heart when you are writing for academic publication. This is especially so if you entered your field with all the signs in evidence that you’d be really good at this. A knack for really ‘getting’ the literature and ways of […]